Posts Tagged ‘japan’

Crazy Japanese DDR

Posted: December 22, 2008 in Entertainment
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Oh my gosh, I just love the choreography! How did they do that? It’s crazy!

'Goodbye, Metabo!'

Unlikely it is being a country that has well been known as a country that encourages healthy living now, overweight people in Japan will be re-educated on living a healthy life. According to The New York Times, this has come into effects under the national Japan law two months ago stating that the Japanese peoples’ waistline limits must measure 33.5 inches and 35.4 inches respectively for men and women. Japan also has taken a leap frog through this weight-loss campaign in the effort to slim down its citizens by re-educating its people after three months who does not lose their weight accordingly.


If you think your morning commuter train is a pain in the arse, take a look at this video from Japan that I found on YouTube.
